Renowned chef José Andrés has shared his infallible trick to avoid eating spoiled food, especially from cans.

Canned food products have the ability to preserve their nutritional value for a long period of time thanks to the methods used during the canning process. In addition, by maintaining their nutrients, they are a healthy alternative to include in our daily diet. Vitamins, minerals and proteins remain unchanged, which helps to maintain a balanced diet.

One of the main advantages of this type of food is its long shelf life, as it can be kept in good condition for up to 5 years, keeping a well-stocked pantry. Although they have a specific expiration date, it is possible to consume them later if they show no signs of deterioration in appearance, aroma and flavor. Also, thanks to their canned format, they are easy to stack and take up little space in the pantry.
On the other hand, canned products have the advantage of not needing refrigeration. This means that they can be stored in the pantry for long periods of time without worrying about temperatures, as they are adequately preserved.

José Andrés, a famous chef, shares his trick to determine if a can of food is in bad shape.
In his advice on food safety, José Andrés gives us a valuable suggestion that can prevent possible health problems. Checking a can of canned food reminds us of the importance of checking its condition to ensure freshness and protection.

A cooking expert teaches us how to recognize if a can of salted anchovies is in good condition. He points out that we should check it carefully for knocks and pay special attention to the lid, which is usually the most exposed part of the container.

The cook emphasizes that, in the case of metal canned foods, the lid must be completely closed and without any lumps or bulges at the top. This recommendation is very important, as a bulge could indicate the presence of bacteria that can cause botulism, a serious disease that produces gas and causes the can to swell.

According to José Andrés, it is very important that we immediately throw away any can that is swollen, as it may be defective and dangerous to our health. By following these simple steps, we can prevent serious food safety issues.