In an attempt to create competition, Profeco declared war on sardine cans being imported from Spain. The problem with sardines is that, in addition to not complying with Mexican standards, several brands of sardines contain less product than what is labeled. The Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Profeco) found canned sardines from Spain that do not comply with Mexican Standard NMX-F-179-SCFI-2001 because they contain fish meat and viscera.

This regulation prohibits cans of fish from containing contaminated fish. The opinion establishes that the fish must be healthy, clean and fresh; free of head and gills, gutted and with or without tail and scales.


However, the brands that do not comply are: Altamar Sardinas in tomato sauce (Mexico) 425 g, with 11% viscera, 0.5% scales, 0.1% fins. Vigilante Sardines in olive oil (Spain) 120 g, with 10.6% of viscera and 0.5% of scales. Vive Sabor Spicy sardines in sunflower oil (Spain) 120 g, with 8.5% viscera and 2.1% tails. El Corte Inglés Sardines (sardinillas) in olive oil (Spain) 115 g, with 7.5% viscera and 6.4% tails. Dolores Premium Sardines in oil (Mexico) 120 g, with 6.8%. Tuny Gourmet Sardines in tomato sauce (Portugal) 120 g, with 6.7%. Oro de España Sardines in tomato sauce (Spain) 120 g, with 6.6%, la Gintana Sardinillas in sunflower oil (Spain) 85 g, with 6.4%, and la Gintana Sardinillas in sunflower oil (Spain) 85 g, with 6.4%.

As if this were not enough, the National Consumer Protection Laboratory found that the Calmex, Altamar and Guaymex brands contain less product than declared, but there are also others that contain scales, fins and tails.

“After analyzing 47 brands of packaged sardines, 21 in tomato sauce; 10 in olive oil; 10 in various oils; one in chipotle sauce; two in escabeche and three with other ingredients or styles, three brands were detected that contain less product than they declare.” Profeco recommends checking the can, not buying it if it is inflated, bruised or rusty, as well as checking the labeling, since several brands have the excess sodium seal.