Sustainable packaging is in fashion. A trend that is here to stay and that more and more consumers are demanding so no manufacturer of packaged products should be left aside. An issue that, of course, fully affects the metal packaging and that we detail in the following article.

Reducing this impact and achieving a fresh, modern and high quality brand image is something that can be achieved by choosing the right metal packaging. This is also the opinion of Montse Castillo, coordinator of the master’s degree in Packaging Management at IQS Executive Education and member of the sustainability and packaging committee of AECOC, who explains that “one of the great challenges of packaging is its environmental impact. With the rise of e-commerce, companies must take measures to reduce their impact on the environment in the supply chain, betting on reducing the footprint they generate on the planet.

Another important issue that we must take into account when looking for a good packaging is the design to highlight the product above the rest, it must have an attractive design, it must also be practical, safe, friendly and reusable without missing the label of “sustainable”, something that can boast without problem a metal container, especially if a comparison is made with plastic.

Empac also assures that “when metal products reach the end of their useful life, the materials are simply collected and recycled, over and over again, without loss of their inherent properties. This is what is known as real recycling”.

Nowadays, packaging, apart from being necessary for the transport of a product, speaks of the values of a brand, is part of the product experience, connects with a specific public and provides data both at a legal and attitudinal level. This means that it is no longer just a question of whether or not the entrepreneur wants to use sustainable packaging, but that today’s customer demands and demands it.

Another added advantage of metal packaging is its circularity and its lack of association with pollution, as opposed to plastic, which is associated with it. In addition, the brand image remains for a long time and thus the message is exponentially boosted. There are already those who consider it as a real means of communication with the customer.