Signature and even identity card for the delivery of a can of meat in Cuba. This is the situation faced by hundreds of Cubans every day in order to be able to buy basic basket items such as canned meat.
Food shortages are palpable on the island. To buy canned pressed meat, Cubans must present their identity card and even sign a list at the bodega to purchase a can of pressed Russian meat, at a price of 19 pesos, the same can that can be purchased in other establishments at 300 pesos. A complaint that has become known via networks.
Cuba’s Ministry of Domestic Trade had already announced that the Carne en conserva product was being distributed in some Cuban localities at the rate of one can for households with 1 to 3 consumers; two cans for those with 4 to 6 consumers and three cans for households with more than 7 consumers. Russia announced last May that it intended to export sausages, canned fish, seafood, beef, pork, poultry, dairy products and their derivatives to Cuba, amid food shortages on the island, its long-time Latin American ally.