The new way of finding a partner in Japan has already reached another level. Matching Advisor Press has been installing vending machines around the country for a few years now where you can choose a pink or beige can depending on whether you are looking for a girl or a guy and go on a date.

The company coordinates a legendary but modernized service known in Japan as omiai. Although it is often translated as “arranged marriage”, for a thousand years, omiai has been a matchmaking custom, an option for those seeking love and in need of expert assistance.
The operation is very simple. At first glance, different cans with flower designs and kanji texts can be seen. The cans include the age of the person requesting a partner and a description made by a marriage counselor, highlighting the candidate’s main attractions.

After choosing a can of information from one of the people looking to find love, the applicant has to go through a one-hour interview and counseling session with a marriage expert before being allowed to meet with the chosen candidate. If both parties are interested, the company organizes a three-hour dinner at a cost of €60 and if the relationship goes ahead, a further €2,000 will be paid. If there is no connection between the two, the company agrees to refund the initial money invested in the can or you have the option to try again to find that truly special person to share the rest of your life with.