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Egile NonStock is the new consignment method that the company Egile CanTooling has recently launched on the market in order to offer maximum productivity and optimal management of your spare parts warehouse. Mundolatas offers in this extensive interview what is this new pioneering system in Spain with which Egile has managed to revolutionize the sector worldwide.

NonStock parts are manufactured and stored at the customer’s premises free of charge until they are used. Egile CanTooling manages this stock to avoid breakages, integrating in the process the administrative tasks of the client’s management system.

ML-This new system, what does it consist of exactly?

Egile NonStock® is Egile’s proposal to ensure that manufacturers of easy-open closures always have the necessary material available in their warehouses to keep their converting systems running optimally.

We have been working with the locker for years with several clients. Under this premise, Egile manufactures and deposits in the manufacturer’s warehouse the critical parts and those with the highest consumption for the operation of the conversion systems. The customer makes use of the parts when he needs them and it is at that moment that the manufacturer pays for them.

The movement of the parts is recorded with a mobile device that generates all the movements in the information systems of both the manufacturer and Egile: warehouse movements, incoming and outgoing delivery notes, purchase requisitions and invoices. It eliminates administrative tasks and, ultimately, the possibility of miscommunication leading to stock-outs that would be catastrophic for our customers.

ML- How long has it been in operation?

We are currently in the pre-launch phase of the first complete Egile NonStock® in collaboration with a customer.

It should be noted that there is only one individual Egile NonStock® for each customer, as what we propose is completely adapted to our customer’s daily routine. And no two customers are alike.

As we were saying, during the years of development of the slogan, the part that resisted the most, the part that flowed the least, were the administrative tasks. The first experiences were laborious but we improved, especially when we extended the consignment service to more clients, sharing experiences and realities with different organizations. All this has culminated in on the NonStock platform that manages all the administrative, control and reporting tasks of the process.

ML- Is this the first company to use it?

Yes, the entire platform is working and we have successfully passed the testing phase, both of the app for mobile devices and of the NonStock® website itself.

Now we start the implementation phase with the client, analyzing together their internal procedures and the way in which data is entered into their information system. We will replace all the administrative work of the personnel involved with an access to the NonStock® website where they will be able to follow up the process, or choose the way they want to visualize the indicators of the process.

ML-This system is a pioneer in Spain?

Well, honestly, we think it is not only statewide, but possibly the first time that everything is put together to offer this service to manufacturers of easy-open closures. The necessary technologies have been with us for years, decades in fact, and other sectors such as the automotive industry have similar systems in place. But we believe that we are pioneers in manufacturer/supplier connectivity in Spain.

ML- What are the advantages?

Fundamentally one: the certainty that I will never have to stop the machine for lack of parts.

We also minimize the possibility of errors and relieve staff of tedious administrative tasks. In this way they can concentrate on adding more value to the company, adjusting the minimum stocks for each reference thanks to the NonStock® website, for example.

ML-What do you think of Egile NonStock® ? ?

We will wait to see what the customer thinks after the implementation. The outlook is extremely optimistic, but we do not know to what extent it will improve customer efficiency.

ML-What other uses could it have in the future?

In the short term we see very clear the integration of a specific system for incisions. We are looking for more companies to collaborate with to make our customer’s life easier, we hope to have it tested and up and running by spring 2022.

From there, we are aware that our own operations with the client will open up new possibilities for development that we have not yet been able to imagine. In fact, we are already working on new value propositions in the field of servitization that give more and more content to our NonStock concept.


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