In the report for the period from 2021 to 2022, it highlights the progress made by AMP in utilizing the skills of its team to achieve its environmental goals. At the same time, it highlights the leading position it has acquired in sustainability with regard to metal beverage cans.

AMP CEO Oliver Graham said that products made from durable materials put the company in a strong position in the circular economy. He also mentioned that they will continue to advance their emissions, ecology and social sustainability strategy for the rest of the year and beyond. By working together with their team, stakeholders and communities, they hope to generate a greater social, economic and environmental impact.

Some of the highlights of the 2023 report are as follows:
The initiative to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030 has been approved, covering Scopes 1, 2 and 3. These objectives are based on scientific data. AMP has achieved 80% of its production facilities worldwide that are waste-free or have maintained that status. Since 2021, the share of electricity from renewable sources has increased by 25%.

On the other hand, he announced the launch of Ardagh, an educational program in North America with an investment of up to US$50 million. In addition, it will expand with an investment of up to 5 million euros to partner with Wissensfabrik in Germany. This project will lead the way for the expansion and growth of the program.

Different organizations in charge of evaluating the sustainability of renowned companies are recognizing and rewarding the commitments and activities carried out by Ardagh Group S.A. and its subsidiaries, including AMP. One of these recognitions was awarded by EcoVadis, a leading independent sustainability ratings platform, who upgraded the company’s rating from gold to platinum in 2022. In addition, CDP (formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project), a non-profit agency that evaluates environmental, social and governance issues, gave AMP an A- rating for water management and a B rating for climate change earlier this year.

The Center for Disclosure and Protection (CDP) gave AMP an A rating due to its commitment to its suppliers. This score is based on CDP’s assessment of the alignment, communication and shared objectives between the organization and its supply base to achieve sustainability goals together.