On Thursday, September 5, the British Aerosol Manufacturers Association (BAMA) will host a Retail Liaison Group meeting, highlighting key sustainability and regulatory updates for those operating within or connected to the UK retail sector.
The meeting will take place online from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and will bring a host of discussion points to the table, including updates on UK aerosol filling figures for 2023, BAMA’s work with the Department of Trade and Business, and the latest developments on the Extended Producer Responsibility Regulations (EPR) and the UK’s Deposit Return Scheme (DRS).
The meeting will highlight key sustainability issues, including how retailers can help enable a system for refillable aerosols and support the reduction of NMVOC emissions from aerosols.
Alupro’s UK Aerosol Recycling Initiative, plus details of research conducted by university groups examining indoor and outdoor air quality, are also on the agenda.
During the meeting, updates on the latest “BAMA Standard for Consumer Safety and Good Manufacturing Practices” will be provided, and instructions will be given on how retailers can obtain FREE access to the guide.
BAMA executive director Patrick Heskins says: “The BAMA Standard provides valuable guidance for retailers in areas such as consumer labeling and aerosol disposal and transportation. We invite anyone wishing to attend the meeting to bring their questions about the guidance we offer or any of the areas covered in our Retailer Liaison Group agenda.”