Strategic meeting between ABAL leaders and government authorities. The purpose of this meeting is none other than to analyze the strategic importance of metal and propose actions aligned with the future of the national industry.
At the meeting, held on February 16, which addressed, among other issues, opportunities to boost the competitive advantages of the aluminum industry in Brazil, Janaina Donas, executive president of the Brazilian Aluminum Association (ABAL), was received by Geraldo Alckmin, Vice-President of the Republic and Minister of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services (MDIC). Uallace Moreira, Secretary for Industrial Development, Trade, Services and Innovation of the Ministry, and Tatiana Prazeres, Secretary for Foreign Trade, also participated in the meeting.
Other topics discussed at the meeting included possible strategies to boost the competitive advantages of the aluminum industry in Brazil, in line with the Action Plan of the New Industry Brazil (NIB). This program, launched in January, consists of six missions aimed at strengthening autonomy, promoting decarbonization, facilitating the ecological transition, guaranteeing energy security and modernizing Brazil’s industrial park, in pursuit of sustainable development for future generations.
At the meeting, ABAL emphasized the strategic importance of aluminum for innovative and sustainable solutions, which are fundamental for the country’s society and economy, as well as the value-added and verticalization capacity of the Brazilian aluminum production chain. Finally, ABAL invited the vice-president and his team to participate in the 9th International Aluminum Congress, scheduled for April 9 and 10 in São Paulo.