This year’s IMDPA conference will be held September 26-28, 2023 at Eaglewood Resort & Spa in Itasca, IL, USA. The two-day meeting will bring together a large group of experts from around the world to present the latest developments in metal decorating and packaging technology.

September 26 will be the Scholarship Golf Outing and Banquet, a popular networking event for industry friends, both old and new. September 27-28 are our general and parallel sessions that include presentations of interest to metal decorating and metal packaging personnel alike.

The conference agenda includes presentations on metal decorating and packaging equipment and technology, best practices, color management, digital printing, branding initiatives, manufacturing issues, technical troubleshooting and material sourcing with the goal of providing answers and detailed information for industry members to effectively address the many issues they face in maintaining the viability of their companies, leading and innovating their way to a successful year.

IMDPA’s ongoing Strategic Planning team defined a mission for the association in order to “provide a platform for sharing knowledge and experience for continued personal and professional growth. Our Wednesday general session will include a keynote presentation by Gus Reall, CEO of Stolle Machinery Company, a presentation by general marketing manager of beverage leader Monster Energy, Allison Erfort, and a sustainability discussion with Colleen Webster, director of sustainability for Henry Crown / CC Industries.” On the other hand, within the scheduled program, Alex Castrounis, CEO and founder of The Why of AI and professor at Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Business, will speak about AI for business applications.