Ball Corporation an­nounced changes in the senior manage­ment of its group. He has appointed as the new pres­ident of the company who was its senior vice president, Dan­iel Fisher. This appointment, which also involves being a member of its board of direc­tors, has been accompanied by others: Lisa Pauley, senior vice president of human resources and administration, and Scott Morrison, senior vice president and chief financial officer, were promoted to executive vice presidents.

Daniel Fisher was Vice Pres­ident of Finance for North America in Ball’s Metal Bev­erage Packaging Division and subsequently served as senior vice president of finance and planning in the same sector. In 2016, Fisher was named chief operating officer of Ball’s global beverage packaging business.

Ball Corporation offers innova­tive and sustainable aluminium packaging solutions for bever­age, personal care and home products customers, as well as aerospace technologies and services.