Peruvian brewers and apple growers have joined forces to create a new experimental beer, aware of the great potential of the ancestral apples produced in the Peruvian city of Valdivia.
Precisely, thanks to the collaboration between Kunstmann, the UACh and Manzaneros de Los Ríos, Apple Pils is born, a new experimental variety that integrates the best of the local apple and craft beer. The Austral University of Chile and the Los Ríos Apple Growers Association, which groups 17 producers and processors of apple varieties typical of the area, have joined the constant collaboration work carried out by the brewers in the area.
%22We used 50% of limona apples and 50% of other varieties such as puchacay, reineta, campana, red Pelchuquín and chichera. The geographical and climatic characteristics of the Valdivian rainforest have achieved a special symbiosis to obtain an ancestral product such as natural cider, known by us as apple chicha, and its more elaborate version, with carbonated cider,%22 say the Los Ríos Apple Growers Association. From this association have shown their commitment to continue betting and collaborating on projects that enhance and encourage the local Peruvian economy.