It is important to keep in mind one gesture when storing purchases: properly cleaning soda or beer cans. Here’s why it’s a good idea to do so.
Do you usually clean soda cans when they are served to you in a bar? You probably have already incorporated this gesture when visiting a bar and ordering a can of soda, which consists of wiping a napkin across the top of the can to remove any dirt it may have. Although there are many people who simply open the can and drink without performing this step, it would be advisable to do so as the surface of the can may contain germs. Although rubbing the can with a cloth or napkin would not guarantee its disinfection, this precaution should not be overlooked.
Cans tend to accumulate dirt, from the time they are produced in the factory to the time they are transported and stored. This can lead to the appearance of bacteria in the ring and tab part of the cans.
Although the cans we buy at the supermarket may appear clean, it is important to bear in mind that they may contain bacteria that it would be advisable to eliminate before consuming their contents. An effective way to do this could be to incorporate into our post-purchase routine the washing of cans with soap and water or a diluted bleach solution to properly disinfect them before refrigeration.
Washing cans also helps to avoid odors, pests and cross-contamination in containers and recycling plants. It also facilitates the waste separation and sorting process and improves the quality of the recycled material.