The city of Vigo will host the next 13 and 14 September the X World Tuna Conference ‘Vigo 2021’ which this year has the theme ‘Disrupt your tuna business’. In this tenth edition, this meeting will be held both in person and virtually at the Afundación headquarters in Vigo, a conference through which Anfaco-Cecopesca and Fumpromar will bring together the main representatives of the tuna industry worldwide.

The presentations included in the Conference will start at 09:00 h. on Monday 13th September 2021, and the official Inauguration of the Conference will take place at 12:00 h., with the presence of Mr. Alberto Núñez Feijóo, President of the Xunta de Galicia; Mr. Abel Caballero Álvarez, Mayor of Vigo; Mr. Víctor Casal Antón, Director of Companies, SMEs and Sectorial Banking of ABANCA; Mr. Iván Alonso-Jáudenes Curbera, President of ANFACO-CECOPESCA and Mr. Juan M. Vieites Baptista de Sousa, Secretary General of ANFACO-CECOPESCA, etc.

Tuna stocks and their sustainable management, tools for level playing field or tuna market in Europe, Asia, Africa and Middle East, America will be some of the issues to be addressed. The participation of representatives from all these countries makes countries whose production accounts for 90% of world production of canned tuna are present during the conference, whose previous nine editions closed with a resounding success of participation.

Tuna Vigo 2021 becomes once again the world capital of the tuna sector, canning and processing of seafood and ancillary industries, which will be present in person and virtually, managers of tuna companies based in countries as important in the world of tuna as Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Belgium, Ecuador, USA, Peru, Brazil, Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico, Morocco, Seychelles, Mauritius, Algeria, South Africa, Madagascar, Ghana, Cape Verde, Thailand, China, Philippines, Taiwan, Korea PNG, PNG, Korea, PNG Korea and PNG, Peru, Brazil, Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico, Morocco, Morocco, Seychelles, Mauritius, Algeria, South Africa, Madagascar, Ghana, Cape Verde, Thailand, China, Philippines, Taiwan, Korea, PNG, Turkey, UAE, etc..

It should be noted that at present, tuna is a product of great importance in the industrial processing sector worldwide. In addition, tuna accounts for 69% of the production of canned fish and seafood in Spain. Specifically, at the head is Galicia, which stands as the leading producer of canned and prepared tuna in the EU and second worldwide, after Thailand.