Two sustainable murals made with recycled beverage cans for the Christmas holidays. This art installation is an invitation to citizens to reflect on responsible consumption and the health of our planet during the Christmas season.

These two murals located in Madrid, called Pixelata, and made with more than 4,000 cans, reflect two large-format pixelated images in which each recycled beverage can corresponds to a pixel, thus forming a complete image that conveys a message of sustainability through art. These Pixelatas have been designed and produced by Estudio photoAlquimia, for the environmental program ‘Every Can Counts’, with designs by Pilar Balsalobre and Carlos Jiménez.

On this occasion, the two murals establish a dialogue in which the Pixelata ‘In your hands’ shows us the face of a little girl in a Christmas atmosphere, with her eyes set on a gift she has in her hands: the planet Earth, the greatest gift we could have ever received.

Therefore, every gesture counts and it is increasingly necessary to participate in the selective collection of cans. By taking them to the yellow container we ensure that in less than 60 days we will have that material in our hands again, in the form of a new can or another metallic product, closing the cycle as Mother Nature does.

The Pixelata awareness-raising project has received the International Design Awards (IDA 2018), in the categories of ‘Design for Sustainability’ and ‘Design for Society’, and a special mention at the Ibero-American Design Biennial 2018.