4,000 cans of canned tuna and mackerel from Huelva on the beach. This is the amount of cans that the Regulatory Council of the IGP Andalusian Mackerel and Melva of Andalusia distributed among vacationers on the beach of Islantilla in order to promote their products.

The purpose of this event is to promote the consumption and appreciation of the region’s fish products. Both mackerel, frigate mackerel and frigate tuna from Andalusia are recognized “for their artisanal production, their sustainable origin and the fishing tradition that supports them”.

During the event, attendees were able to take home these preserves and received additional information about the benefits of these delicious handmade preserves. In addition, this initiative was subsidized by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development of the Regional Government of Andalusia. The Regulatory Council of Andalusian Mackerel and Melva of Andalusia also raffled packages of 12 cans of canned food through its social networks.