Over the past decade, Revolver Brewing has made its Blood & Honey golden ale famous. Now, with the arrival of a lighter version of this beverage, the North Texas company hopes this will appeal to a larger number of consumers. The new Blood & Honey Light promises to be just as delicious as its standard counterpart but slightly lighter than normal.

The 4.5% alcohol Blood & Honey Light, launched in March, offers Revolver a pleasant drink with fewer calories. The lighter version is about half the ABV of the original, but maintains 110 calories for fans who enjoy this brand. James Gleaves, president of Revolver, explains that this balance is important to satisfy the public.


The creator of Blood & Honey, Taylor Gleaves, added that the new version of the drink will be the same in taste as the original; just a touch less intense. “And it’s not a watered-down version. That’s the key here and that was the job of our brewers, who did an incredible job,” , he added.

According to Mr. Gleaves, the reputation that Blood & Honey has established over the past ten years as the premier local craft brand in North Texas is something that needs to be carefully nurtured. That is why both the flavor and everything it symbolizes for consumers must remain unchanged.
“It reinforces the flavors while giving them another option, really tying into 10 years of growth of an iconic brand, while representing a shift in our consumers’ drinking habits and combining it,” Gleaves added. Blood & Honey Light has had a good start since its launch in March, accounting for about 3% of Revolver’s sales, says Gleaves.