Fernando de Miguel has a goal: to get all the cans that came out of the canneries of the once flourishing industry of Cariño, in A Coruña. He is collecting cans that are witness and heritage of a very special time.
As reported by the newspaper El Ferrol, this neighbor was interested in the history of the town to get the cans that are witnesses of an era. So far he has obtained 19 of the 24 that should exist in the totality. Of the 20 canneries that existed in A Cariño, only one remains.
Some of the stamps in Fernando’s collection are La Pureza, which is 100 years old; other brands were La Cariñesa, La Purita, La Medusa, La Ortegalesa, La Mercedes, La María, La Legítima or La Purificación. Almost all of them, women’s names for these cans with history. We also found El Pescador, Armada or Rumbo.
The Fundación Clúster de Conservación de Productos del Mar (Funpromar), based in Vigo, is the current preserver of the collection.