Brazilian beverage producer Socorro Bebidas (Socorro) has expanded its partnership with Crown Embalagens Metálicas da Amazônia S.A. to launch Acquíssima Sabor, flavored mineral water in 350 ml (12 oz) CrownSleek cans. This premium zero-calorie beverage features natural flavors and offers a health-conscious alternative, allowing consumers to stay hydrated and incorporate key nutrients into their daily diet.

 The line debuted with two flavors, Lychee and Green Apple, and is currently available in Acquíssima stores, restaurants and supermarkets in Brazil. Socorro also previously used CrownSleek cans to package its Acquíssima mineral water brand, its first foray into the water market.

The total volume of canned water in Brazil has increased nearly 7-fold between 2021 and 2022, demonstrating a growing trend in the region towards aluminum-packed water and a continued shift away from tap and bulk water. When considering the packaging format for the brand, Socorro knew it needed to help convey the refreshing and health-conscious nature of the beverage, while delivering on sustainability. The inherent properties of metal packaging, such as providing a strong barrier against light and oxygen, help to maintain product freshness. Aluminum cans are also infinitely recyclable and are the most recycled beverage container in the world. These characteristics resonate with Brazilian consumers, who have recently helped boost the country’s aluminum beverage can recycling rate to a staggering 100%.