Social Bank of Cans achieved to recycle more than 10 tons of containers by 2022
In only six months of operation, this recycling and environmental education campaign managed to recover more than 10 thousand kilos of aluminum cans, benefit more than 30 schools with educational prizes, donate a library to a vulnerable school and make a contribution to Fundación Patio Vivo. Thus, Banco Social de Latas makes a concrete contribution to the country’s education as part of its shared value generation policy, which is born from the alliance between Kyklos, Metalum and Ball, and seeks to contribute to the circular economy, also generating a social impact.
More than 30 thousand students from 500 kindergartens and schools in the Metropolitan Region gathered at the 2022 version of the Social Bank of Cans, reflecting the good reception of this campaign that seeks to increase the recycling rate, generating the habit in the new generations. The schools carried out the recreational activities of the environmental education program that works on theindicators of personal and social development through challenges .
In the first challenge, 13 schools were awarded for their participation by meeting the goal of over 6 cans recovered per student. These kindergartens and schools could choose from prizes such as sound systems, soccer goals or a cultural experience. In connection with the latter, several vulnerable establishments were able to see a play on environmental care. Starting in October, when the second challenge was launched, a prize redemption system was implemented through a catalog. This method, which will be maintained during the year 2023, seeks to encourage participation, recognizing the effort and coordination of the educational communities. In this way, 19 schools will exchange educational or sports materials or cultural and recreational experiences, as chosen by each community.
In the focus of social action, the Social Bank of Cans has already awarded the delivery of a Library of Dreams to Los Pensamientos School in San Bernardo, which reached 285 kilos of recovered cans. This reading center will have specially designed infrastructure and reading material with a focus on recycling and sustainability. In addition, from the value of the cans collected, a donation was made to Fundación Patio Vivo to contribute to its mission of implementing learning landscapes in schools, colleges and kindergartens in vulnerable contexts. In this way, the discarded containers are transformed into resources to contribute to the great mission of improving the quality of life and education of other students in the country, promoting awareness and solidarity among peers.
In 2023 the bank opens its doors and grows to regions
By the year 2023, the Social Bank of Cans seeks to grow to 1,000 establishments in Santiago and to extend to the regions of Tarapacá and Biobío, decentralizing recycling and bringing the opportunity to participate to kindergartens and schools in the north and south of the country. Any educational establishment in the Metropolitan Region that wishes to join the Social Bank of Cans 2023 can now do so. All you have to do is register by filling out this form so that the organization can check if you are within the range of the retreat routes. Those who sign up, apart from helping the planet and encouraging the recycling culture, will be able to exchange entertaining prizes from this catalog, which will be renewed every month to include more elements that promote quality education.
About the Social Bank of Cans
Nearly 70% of all aluminum beverage cans worldwide are recycled, making aluminum the most recycled beverage container on the planet. However, Chile is far from this number, reaching only 33%. The opportunity behind aluminum can recycling inspired the creation of the Social Bank of Cans in 2020 from a partnership between Kyklos, an environmental culture B company, and Metalum, the leading aluminum recycling company in Chile. In 2022, Ball, a world leader in sustainable aluminum packaging, joins as a promoter in order to amplify the environmental and social impact of the Social Bank of Cans in educational establishments and promote a recycling culture in the new generations. To learn more about the campaign you can visit the website: