Taking care of the environment and, at the same time, collaborating with those who need it most through recycling is now a reality for many Spanish citizens, thanks to RECICLOS, a Return and Reward System (RDS) developed by Ecoembes that rewards citizens’ commitment to recycling through sustainable and social incentives.

Thus, citizens in various Spanish cities can recycle their cans and plastic beverage bottles in any of the more than 3,600 yellow containers located on public roads, to which this SDR has incorporated technology, and receive points for doing so. In addition, citizens can also recycle these containers in recycling machines installed in municipal offices, and even in some hospitals such as the Sanitas La Zarzuela University Hospital in Madrid.


In this way, users will be able to transform the rewards they receive from recycling into actions of a social or solidarity nature, such as contributions to the Food Bank in their community, while promoting the circularity of packaging, i.e. giving it a new life through recycling.

This is how RECICLOS works

To make use of RECICLOS, citizens only need to register in the webapp and, at home, scan the barcode on the can or plastic bottle they want to recycle before throwing it in the bin. Once in the street, when they go to the yellow container with their packaging bag, they must deposit it there and scan the QR code on the container.

In the case of the machines, citizens simply deposit the cans and plastic bottles of beverages in the machine and then scan the QR code provided by the machine.

In both cases, when you recycle you will get points, called RECYCLES, which you can exchange for the different rewards available to you. These points will have a weekly limit so that citizens not only recycle more and better their packaging, but also consume responsibly.