
M390 stainless steel locking mandrels.


Closing mandrels in stainless steel M390 (high quality stainless steel hardening) manufactured in numerical control obtaining a high quality exterior of the closing head and its profile, with very low roughness on the lip of the mandrel, hardening in vacuum chamber to obtain a greater uniformity of surface hardness and thus respect the narrow distances of the lip of the closing head with the body to reduce to the maximum the lip breakage by jamming in the container closer, hardened to 56HRC and subsequently ground the outer profile of the mandrel and the inner profile where the seamer shaft fits, finishing the mandrel lip in numerical control with boron plate for a minimum roughness necessary to reduce varnish deposits on the profile of the double seal head, which worsen the quality of the inside of the double seal once processed, thus causing oxidations inside the bottom trough or the lid.

We have a three-dimensional machine to make exactly the same profile you are using or you can send us the drawings of your packaging supplier and we will make it exactly the same respecting the tolerances marked on the drawing.

We manufacture all types of seaming mandrels of any brand and model of seamer always complying with the same quality requirements and without distinguishing the price, for us all the mandrels independent of the model of seamer have the same price.

Shipping not included, EXW Murcia (Spain)

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Ø52 (202), Ø65 (211), Ø73 (300), Ø83 (307), Ø99 (401), Ø153 (603)


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