The pandemic has undoubtedly affected the entire supply chain in all sectors of the global economy. Limitations in production and logistics are just some of the problems caused by the health crisis that inevitably, as they say the canneries of fish and seafood, will affect the prices of cans to the final consumer. We are talking about 200 Spanish companies producing canned fish and seafood and they are in 140 countries in 5 continents.
The increase in the final prices is due to a shortage during the development of the pandemic and, therefore, an increase in the price of raw materials involved in the production process of canned food. Considering these, the final price of one of the most consumed and exported canned tuna, tuna, affects 65% of the final cost. As Juan Manuel Vieites, secretary general of Anfaco-Cecopesca, the National Association of Canned Fish Manufacturers, recently pointed out, almost 231,100 tons of tuna are consumed and exported for a value of 884 million euros in 2020, and it is mostly made with tuna fished in the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans.
Vieites pointed out, during an event organized by the Galician newspaper La Voz, that the impact of the Covid-19 crisis in the sector has not been homogeneous. He pointed out that it hit the canneries that work for the Horeca channel the hardest due to closures in the hotel and catering industry. The gourmet market, he said, has remained “more or less stable” and the retail market “has behaved really well because household consumption has increased”.
The health crisis has also brought, as a consequence, the opening of new markets. “People have realized that China can’t or shouldn’t be the world’s factory,” which is why other countries have turned to Europe, said Ivan Alonso-Jaudenes, general manager of Conservas Alonso, during the meeting.
Spanish canning companies export more than 60% of their production. As the general secretary of Anfaco – Cecopesca points out, “we cannot compete for cheap labour, but for technology, quality and food safety”.