Passion Tree, a company dedicated to producing organic beverages in Southern California, has launched its new line of mini cans of hard seltzer: Passion Tree Minis.
Passion Tree has launched new beverage options in smaller sizes with the aim of filling the gap between non-alcoholic and low-alcoholic beverages. Their focus is on creating more appropriate portions for consumers who want to enjoy a drink, but not overdo it with alcohol.
Passion Tree Minis are available in a small 7.5-ounce can and can be found at all Target stores in California, Florida, Illinois, Texas and New York. The Passion Tree brand announced the release of two new flavors in its line of mini ice cream products: coconut and lychee.

The latest versions are available in a package that includes 10 mini-sized varieties. They are made with a light fermentation and a careful process that guarantees the quality of the beer. In addition, they are kosher certified and gluten-free, with only 70 calories per can. These mini hard seltzers are expected to have a major impact on the market.

According to Passion Tree CEO Garrett Olsen, it is exciting to see how the mini products are not only being purchased by a large number of health-conscious consumers, but are also revitalizing the market with an innovative and attractive option. At this time, the company’s priority is to expand distribution to allow everyone the opportunity to enjoy its refrigerated mini Passion Trees.

The Passion Tree brand’s main objective is to celebrate passions and, at the same time, contribute to the care of the environment. Every time one of their packages is sold, a tree is planted in partnership with Eden Reforestation Projects, reflecting their motto of making a big impact through small actions. So far, Passion Tree has planted more than 52,000 trees and its commitment to a greener planet continues to grow with the launch of its new line of miniature products.
The Passion Tree line of beverages offers a variety of five different flavors, including guava, pitahaya, blackberry, as well as the two new coconut and lychee flavors. Each flavor comes in a 7.5 ounce can and contains an alcohol content of 5.5%. In addition, these drinks have only 70 calories per can and are gluten-free and kosher. They are currently available at Target in packs of 10 or 6 cans in guava or coconut flavors.