Pakistan Aluminum Beverage Cans, known as PABC, shared the progress made during the first quarter of 2023 on its project to increase can production from 700 million to 1.2 billion cans per year, which is progressing well.

The company revealed that its ambitious expansion plan contemplates two stages that will increase nominal capacity by 250 million cans per year. In August 2022, the company started the first phase of the project, achieving a nominal capacity upgrade of 250 million cans per year. The company announced that the second phase will be completed later this year.

The company further disclosed that net sales grew through March enabling it to reach a total of Rs. 5.18 billion, representing an increase of 97.42% over the same period of the previous year. The increase in income was due to the increase in the amount of cans sold and the devaluation of the dollar against the local currency, the company said.

Pakistan Aluminium Beverage Cans Limited (PABC) is the only can manufacturer in Pakistan. They have established a manufacturing plant in Faisalabad with a capacity of 700 million cans per year, expandable to 1.2 billion cans per year. The project investment is US$80 million, with 51% equity held by Ashmore and 49% by Liberty Group Pakistan.