The multinational company Novelis, which operates in the areas of aluminum rolling and recycling, managed to recover 21 billion aluminum cans last year in Brazil out of a total of 33.4 billion units sold in the Brazilian market.

According to estimates of the Brazilian Aluminum Association (ABAL), the Brazilian Association of Aluminum Can Manufacturers (Abralatas) and the entity Recicla Latas, a record can recycling rate was registered last year, reaching a percentage of 98.7%, which keeps the country among the world leaders in terms of packaging.

According to Novelis, this good result is a clear reflection of the recent investments made in the plant located in Pindamonhangaba (SP), considered the largest rolling and recycling complex in Latin America. Precisely, last March, Novelis also announced a new investment package in the order of 450 million reais, with the objective of increasing the annual production of rolled products to 750 thousand t/a.

Alfredo Veiga, Novelis’ Vice President of Supplies concludes by adding that “we have always invested ahead of market growth and will continue to do so to ensure supply to our customers and the continued success of recycling as we avoid the use of natural resources and contribute to the environment and society. Our 14 collection centers are essential to achieving this result, and we plan to expand this operation in South America to increase our aluminum foil recycled content.