New president for APEAL: Viliam Gaspar of US Steel Kosice
APEAL (Association of European Packaging Steel Producers) has appointed Viliam Gašpar, Technical Customer Service Director of US Steel Košice, as the new president of the association.
Gaspar was unanimously elected by the APEAL Board and General Assembly and succeeds Tony Waite of Tata Steel Europe.
The new president of the association took stock of the achievements of the previous presidency led by Waite: “the association was able to better understand the value of multiple recycling for true circularity, actively contributing to the creation of secondary legislation of the Circular Economy Package with regard to reporting and calculation of actual recycling rates.
All this while reaching the record recycling rate of 82.5% in Europe, 3 years ahead of schedule!” Gaspar is aware of the great challenges ahead.
“Under my chairmanship, APEAL will strive to demonstrate how packaging steel has a real role to play in achieving the ultimate goals of the Green Deal, particularly with the sustainable products and circular design policies of the Circular Economy Action Plan.”
Promoting separate collection of steel and demonstrating how steel packaging can improve resource efficiency in Europe “by helping to save food and reduce waste” are some of the goals of APEAL’s new president.
Viliam Gašpar has over 25 years of experience in research and development, technical customer service and product innovation in US Steel.