Allpax has just launched a new software, a digital graphic recorder, designed to replace traditional paper recording devices. It is easy to install and the information that used to appear on paper now appears on a screen,
The Allpax digital chart recorder is a direct replacement for standard pen and paper charts.
Installation is as simple as moving the cables from the paper chart recorder to the digital chart recorder.
Also an alternative to allow for future migration to an electronic record keeping system, the Allpax digital chart recorder can be installed along with the existing paper and pen charts.
This allows the digital chart recorder to be an electronic backup (i.e., a secondary recorder) of the paper chart.
This backup can help alleviate problems with paper charts that fail for any reason.
With the use of interface inputs, the Allpax digital graphic recorder integrates with process control systems.
Using these input signals, the process control system informs the chart recorder of specific events in any part of this process.
The association between the process events and the interface inputs are configured in the graphic recorder settings.
The clock of the Allpax digital chart recorder is automatically synchronized with a system-level time master clock.
This ensures that time-stamped data from the chart recorder is aligned with time-stamped data generated by other data collection systems (i.e., the autoclave control system).
This correlation allows chart recorder data to be juxtaposed with other process data such as event summary reports, alarm logs, and production logs to enhance the log review process.