Mundolatas Magazine N18 November & December 2023


08 Food and beverage consumption declines.
10 Mundolatas, awarded in the I Edition of the Infifinito awards.
20 Sustainability objectives met.
26 Mars chocolate milk drinks, now also in cans.
30 Inclusivity in brands: Eviosys.
34 New challenge for canneries.
38 The first 100% recycled aluminum beverage can.
46 Paris Packaging Week: The event that brings together excellence.
50 Thyssenkrupp Rasslestein is a pioneer in energy savings.
60 Respray launches a refillable deodorant solution.
106 Purina leads the pet food recycling initiative.


24 Elton Weng. Export Sales Director.
62 Andres Agnello. Commercial Director for Ball South America.

Technical articles 2pc:

56 Troubleshooting common problems in manufacturing processes.
86 Introduction to decoration techniques and machinery.

Technical articles 3pc:

42 Manufacturing process for easy-open lids.
74 How to prevent corrosion of metal cans.

Market research:

92 Metal food and beverage cans market.