Mundolatas was one of the three companies from Murcia awarded with the prestigious ‘Entrepreneurial Discovery’ awards of the Region of Murcia, whose ceremony took place last Wednesday at the Hotel Nelva in Murcia. These awards, now in their second edition, are promoted and sponsored by the Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación (CTNC), which coincides with its 25th anniversary.

The digitalization award went to Mundolatas while the Eco innovation award went to the company Biodiverso Cosmetic, while in the category of Safe and Healthy Food Chain the award went to BioaProcesia.

The award ceremony was presided over by the president and director of the CTNC, José García and Pablo Flores respectively, and Miguel Ángel Martín, general director of Trade and Business Innovation. According to the director of the CTNC, Pablo Flores, “it is a way to encourage the development of R&D&I, it is our duty to disseminate and support it; it is a great satisfaction to have these awards that provide a plus to innovation in the agri-food sector”. “We thank the Directorate General of Trade and Innovation under the Ministry of Employment, Enterprise, Universities and Spokesmanship for the initiative to launch these awards,” added the head of the CTNC.

The winners thanked the organization for the effort and involvement in the organization of these awards as “support for R+D+i” and the jury for the decision taken; a jury that was composed of a large group of professionals and scientists in the sector formed by Francisco A. Tomás, Javier Cegarra, Manuel Hernández Córdoba, Francisco Artés, Miguel Ángel Cámara, Pedro Abellán, Francisco Serrano, Gaspar Ros, Blas Marsilla and Francisco Puerta as well as Pablo Flores, Ángel Martínez, Presentación García and Miguel Ayuso from CTNC.

After the awards ceremony, the CEO of Mundolatas, Fernando Fuentes emphasized that “This award strengthens our commitment to the metaverse. Thanks to the entire CTNC team for this recognition. The Metaverse offers a new way of understanding business in the food and beverage sector previously unknown. We are working very hard to have it ready for the 1st quarter of 2023, receiving this award gives us energy to keep pushing hard.”.

In this sense Fuentes added that “Thanks to the Mundolatas team for the excellent work they are doing, there is no doubt that being pioneers in the Metaverse is a very innovative bet due to the high technical and unknown percentage. This makes the tasks very complex, but the team has succeeded and we are looking forward to show the industry our commitment to the Metaverse”.

It should be noted that the ‘PIDDE’ is a program of actions to support innovation and the promotion of disruptive companies through entrepreneurial discovery, in other words, a program to identify new technological and market opportunities.

To achieve this objective, it is necessary to carry out a series of actions aimed at generating and identifying technological knowledge, favoring the intermediation of the processes of transferring this knowledge to companies from academia, increasing innovation support services and promoting creativity and entrepreneurship of new companies from entrepreneurial discoveries through greater dissemination and training.

This contest aims to identify, recognize and promote those innovative ideas with great growth potential, which are being developed in the areas of Eco innovation and Safe and Healthy Food Chain of the ecosystem of the agri-food sector in the Region of Murcia.

These awards are also intended to encourage the creation of new companies that have an ambitious growth plan and need resources to carry it out, as well as support to make themselves known among the regional agri-food sector.