The canned beverage brand MoonWater announced that it will reduce the size of its can format to improve the quality of life of the planet and its inhabitants. Increasingly, more and more companies are committed to reducing their carbon footprint on the planet. In this context, the MOON DRINKS company in Spain, which manufactures healthy and environmentally friendly beverages, is committed to contributing to sustainability, from its design, packaging and product formulation.

Under the slogan ‘Size does matter’, the start-up has reduced the package size of its soft drinks from 330 ml to 250 ml of 100% recyclable aluminum cans. Each season, MoonWater makes choices that accommodate consumer health needs, and the challenges of meeting sustainable goals. On this occasion, the reduction of its cans to 250 ml, which are also designed to be recycled after use, is in line with the purpose of complying with circular economy cycles.

The new 250 ml packaging allows for a significant reduction in the carbon footprint due to the reduction in weight during transportation. This new size is, according to professionals, the ideal and recommended measure to satisfy thirst and hydration in a single intake, but the best of all is that, with each can, sugar intake is reduced by 25% and to top it all off, with this attractive measure, an interesting price reduction is achieved.

The formula is very simple; mineral water, organic fruit juice (in 4 different flavors), and a fine and fun bubble to give the product a refreshing element. The lime and ginger presentation is not only delicious, but also helps to detoxify and prevent viral infections. For their part, consumers have a predilection for the mixture of orange and pomegranate, because in addition to being naturally sweet, they are in the habit of energizing the morning during breakfast. Likewise, the mango and tangerine drink is a potent provider of vitamin C for strengthening the immune system.

Finally, the blackberry and blueberry presentation is exquisite in its composition and, for its anti-inflammatory properties. All the soft drinks are on sale in physical stores of Carrefour and El Corte Inglés Bio, in addition to the possibility of buying them through the company’s website.

The formulation of the beverage has been developed in California, and its manufacture in Asturias. The content and packaging of MoonWater soft drinks have complied with European standards to receive this distinction. In other words, the brand has not only been conceived from a sustainable point of view, applying the necessary changes in the social, cultural and consumer dynamics that demand it, but also, the compositions are developed naturally, without the need to use pesticides, fertilizers, hormones or medicines.

In terms of packaging, the in-depth study of the effects of plastic and other materials that gradually exterminate flora and fauna has made it possible to design aluminum cans for safe recycling.