Imagine a visually impaired person in a supermarket being able to identify a can of canned mineral water. This is already a reality. Minalba Brazil continues to focus on the integration and innovation of its products, and has just launched in Brazil the first mineral water can with Braille writing on the lid, which allows easy identification of the product.

This initiative, which has been developed on a large scale throughout the country, has borne fruit after months of hard work with the collaboration of the multinational Ball Corporation, a world leader in sustainable aluminum containers and pioneer in the canned water solution in Rio de Janeiro. In addition, the project was advised by the Dorina Nowill Foundation for the Blind, in order to bring value and an inclusive approach to the food and beverage market.

“This is another milestone in our ESG journey. We were pioneers in offering mineral water in aluminum cans, an infinitely recyclable package. We also launched the first social product in the beverage segment, offering a special version of the Minalba can in partnership with Gerando Falcões, and now we are launching the first inclusive can. Through this partnership, we show our innovative DNA and work for such an important cause.”said Aelio Silveira, general director of Minalba Brazil.

“The Braille System is one of the ways to guarantee the independence and autonomy of visually impaired people in front of such an essential product as mineral water. In addition, the project has an even greater purpose, which is to sensitize companies in this and other segments on the subject, contributing to an increasingly inclusive society.”added Alexandre Munck, executive superintendent of the Dorina Nowill Foundation for the Blind.