Metal Packaging Europe (MPE) supports EU proposal to transform Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste PPWD
Metal Packaging Europe (MPE), together with more than 120 industry associations supports the EU Commission’s proposal to transform Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste (PPWD) into a Regulation and the choice to maintain the legal basis of the internal market (Article 114 TFEU) to achieve the EU’s ambitions for a circular economy.
The European metal packaging industry, with 85.5% of steel packaging and 73% of aluminum beverage cans recycled in the EU (2020), is perfectly placed to contribute to the circular economy targets of the EU Green Pact and welcomes the introduction of performance grades to assess the recyclability of packaging.
The key policy principles of MEP support the consistent position adopted by the European Parliament in CEAP (paragraph 39.), which stresses the need to: “keeping materials at their highest value and achieving clean, non-toxic and sustainable closed material loops; stresses the need to increase the availability and quality of recyclates, focusing on the ability of a material to retain its inherent properties after recycling, and its ability to replace primary raw materials in future applications.”