Pimentón de La Vera La Chinata turns 50 in 2025 and the company Netasa will celebrate it with a variety of gastronomic activities, including a large-scale cooking event in Plasencia, the city where the company was founded in 1975.

For the celebration of San Fulgencio 2025, hundreds of its iconic red tin of paprika were given away on January 16 in the city of Jerte. The company has announced that a new can will be launched on the market, decorated by Misterpiro and Alba Deliz, both plastic artists from Plasencia. In addition, other commemorative cans will be marketed again, such as the one made for Las Edades del Hombre 2022 in Plasencia. The original red can of La Chinata is already an icon and a trademark of the company. That is why it could not be missing in the endearing commemorative image of the 50th anniversary, created in the studio of La Pajarita Pájara.


La Chinata takes its name from the name of Malpartida de Plasencia, the town where Florentino Oliva, the founder of Netasa, was born. It is a family business that more than five decades later is sustained by the pillars on which it was built: offering maximum quality and rigorous control in its La Chinata Smoked Paprika, which has the Denomination of Origin Pimentón de La Vera, a mark of quality and guarantee.