The resilience of the Spanish canning industry is being severely tested by the current high inflation that is also hitting the rest of the EU countries. This complicated situation is compounded by other problems such as the rising costs due to the war in Ukraine and raw material supply problems.  Undoubtedly, a perfect storm that is testing the resistance of the Spanish canning industry and the profitability of basic products in the shopping basket such as canned tuna or fried tomato.

The canned tomato (Agrucon) and fish (Anfaco) canning associations show their concern and worry about the supply of raw materials and the behavior of consumers in the face of the increase in the cost of the shopping basket. There is some uncertainty about the evolution of prices and business strategies to maintain turnover and trade in products that Spain exports to numerous markets.

The president of Agrucon, Manuel Gonçalves, indicated that “the situation for its industries is worse than last year, although he is confident that they will maintain their historical resistance demonstrated in other crises”. Precisely, the packaging material has increased by 60%, but from the canning employers’ association they add that the most critical aspect “is the cost of gas and electricity, which has doubled the costs”.

The Christmas season is a key time for fish turnover. The head of Anfaco added that he is confident that the exit of exports, to destinations such as the rest of the European Union (EU) and the United States, will make the impact on revenues less severe.