Hyperion Materials & Technologies has been strategically and globally expanding its can tooling competency and production capacity through 2021 to support manufacturers in the rapidly increasing demand for aluminum beverage cans.

As a leader in the development of hard and superhard materials, Hyperion has long been a partner to the canmaking industry, providing premium carbide, ceramic and steel tooling for the drawn and wall ironed (DWI) canmaking process.


The Ohio, US-based company has been increasing its global workforce throughout the year, including a 25% increase in can tooling manufacturing staff, to increase production capacity and maintain competitive lead times. Hyperion has also made capital improvements throughout the organization, including key investments to increase can tooling production capacity.

The company’s most significant capital project this year involves the establishment of a can tooling service center at its Mexico City production facility to better support the rapidly growing market in North America. Scheduled to be fully operational later this year, the facility will focus on punch and ring grinding, and will provide additional capacity for new punches and rings in the U.S. and Mexican markets. The opening of the service center at the existing plant in Mexico allows Hyperion to leverage its existing logistics network, as the Mexico plant has been a global supplier of carbide metal cutting products for more than 60 years.

The new service center for canmaking tooling will complement the one in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and Hyperion’s main facility in Barcelona, Spain, which has added and upgraded equipment and houses the state-of-the-art Carbide Research & Development Center and the Can Tooling Global Competence Center.