Heineken and Ambipar Medio Ambiente have forged a new collaborative agreement to promote the recycling of containers, bottles and other materials discarded at the beer brand’s meetings.

Both companies launched a campaign called ‘Zero Waste to Landfill’ with the clear objective of creating a recycling culture at the local level. The idea behind this environmental initiative is to reduce unwanted waste by recycling cans, plastics and bottles at its sponsored events. In addition to this, they seek to promote the standardization of recycling.

Already in 2019, Peru’s Ministry of Environment acknowledged that only 1.9% of total usable solid waste was being recycled. This situation represents a great challenge for both companies, as they began to take measures to reduce the amount of waste produced in their activities. The alliance between HEINEKEN Peru and Ambipar Medio Ambiente Peru is committed to the correct separation of cans, plastics and bottles at the brewery’s events.

In order to encourage the collection and reuse of materials, containers for PET and aluminum will be installed. These bins will be strategically distributed around the event site so that when attendees finish their activities, they can dispose of their waste there. In addition, during each event there will be a staff of recyclers who will approach attendees to dispose of waste in these containers. In this way, the proceeds will be recovered at the Brazilian multinational’s plant, located in the district of Villa El Salvador.

Alejandra Jiménez, Head of Human Resources and Corporate Affairs at HEINEKEN Peru, positively highlighted the Zero Waste to Landfill initiative. “We are committed to formal and professional recycling because it is a sustainable model due to its triple impact. The first will be economic, as it will have an impact on the problem of waste generation through investment in first-level recovery infrastructure; the second will be environmental, as it will stop disposing of usable materials in landfills or dumps; and finally, it will be social, as it will generate employment for Peruvian women. We are confident that this initiative will allow us to set a precedent and enable events to generate a culture of recycling and be more sustainable.”she concluded.