Sometimes recycling is a challenge and then consumers ask for more illicit fertilizer. According to an ongoing survey, 58% of Europeans would be in favor of implementing a deposit, return and refund system to increase packaging recycling rates.

Therefore, when consumers in Spain were asked about recycling garbage cans, six hundred and ten respondents stated that it was difficult to find one because there are not many of them. Now, five out of ten are willing to pay more to have the service provided including deposit, returns and refunds (DRS) to stimulate a greater number of recyclers.

Of the total number of people surveyed in Spain, many prefer to recycle their cans when they are at home. However, this number drops considerably if you are not at home or away from home, as only 38% of Spaniards take their cans to the recycling garbage can. So now, in order to support these efforts, the public wants 100% recyclable packaging to be used.

Pablo García Serrano, director of Every Can Counts in Spain, stresses that putting refrigerant cans in the yellow containers is a valuable gesture for the environment. The reuse cycle of the cans is infinite and happens right there. We can guarantee with all certainty that every can we place will be recycled at the earliest in only 60 days. This text is therefore a clear example of circular economy.

The majority of Spaniards, after finding that there are many problems with the environment, want to do something about the measures needed to protect it, while more than half consider it important to campaign to encourage more study and recycling, and plan tax incentives or other methods to stop companies from trading in environmentally harmful products.