Grupo Modelo, through its Cerveza Pacífico brand, launched a new aluminum can that, being more sustainable, could enter smaller markets. Precisely, with this launch, this can seeks to be the lightest and most sustainable can on the market, which means great savings for the environment, promising to reduce CO2 emissions and energy savings.

The can aims to be the lightest on the market, in addition to reducing the use of 100 tons of aluminum per year, which is equivalent to the production of the next 12 months of Cerveza Pacifico. This translates into 840 MWH of energy savings and a reduction of 247 tons of CO2.

Alejandro Gutiérrez, director of Premium Brands at Grupo Modelo, said that the 4/10 can was developed with a supplier with production in Guadalajara, because they focused on making the project 100% local. In addition, the project took a year to bring to fruition, from the initial idea to having a can with less aluminum but more beer, a benefit Alejandro sees for the end consumer.

The market launch will be of 100,000 cans of the Pacífico brand and is expected to reach other brands in the portfolio, such as Corona and Victoria. “We started this project some time ago, which is a local development, with a local supplier, it was developed here in Mexico and it will be the first country to be launched,” said Gutierrez. said Gutiérrez.

Pacifico’s choice to be the first in the portfolio with the bottle with the least aluminum is because of the brand’s philosophy that has a connection to nature, “you can literally see the pacific ocean every day from the brewery. “he said. Since 2019, Grupo Modelo decided to relaunch Pacífico and make it a national brand, with which the last three years have doubled its volume growth. “Pacífico is one of the fastest growing brands and continues to expand.” he concluded.