The Federation of Metal Entrepreneurs of Zaragoza, FEMZ, has launched an employment exchange in the sector to try to alleviate one of the problems faced by companies such as the lack of human capital to carry out the required generational replacement in an aging sector.
In this regard, the business organization considers it necessary to attract young people and adults to vocational training in industrial specialties to try to solve the problem. To this end, it considers it essential to have an effective and efficient Dual Vocational Training that takes into account the companies when creating the academic itineraries, thus adapting the offer to the demand of the business fabric.
FEMZ has been warning for some time now of the difficulties that metal companies are encountering in planning their human resources due to the lack of skilled labor and the fact that companies are unable to fill their positions.
Since the problem is not expected to be solved in the short term, FEMZ has created a job bank so that those interested in working in the metal sector can register and receive job offers generated in the various member companies.