The main difference between Easy Open End (EOE) and Peel-Off Ends lies in their design and opening mechanism:
- Easy Open End (EOE): These caps are designed with a ring and a precision cut ring on the inside of the cap. When the ring is pulled, the cutting ring detaches from the lid, allowing the can to be opened. Easy Open End closures are common on food and beverage cans, such as soft drinks, soups and canned foods.
- Peel-Off End: These caps have an aluminum foil or foil sealed into the cap ring and a tab attached to the foil. By pulling the tab, the foil easily detaches from the ring, allowing the can to be opened. Peel-Off closures are common on food packaging such as tuna.
In summary, the main difference between Easy Open and Peel-Off lies in the opening mechanism: Easy Open uses a tinplate cutting ring, while Peel-Off uses an aluminum foil sealed to the lid ring.