The Aluminum Stewardship Initiative has just announced the certification of the beverage can operations of Crown Holdings, Inc. in Mexico in accordance with the ASI Performance Standard. Specifically, the multinational has obtained certification at six of its production plants based in Ensenada, Guadalajara, Toluca, Juarez and Monterrey, as well as the Corporate Office in Monterrey. In addition, by 2020, Crown Mexico had an estimated market size of 15 billion beverage cans and an annual growth rate of up to 6%.

Specifically, the Aluminum Stewardship Initiative has successfully certified the aluminum production, sourcing and responsible aluminum stewardship processes for the Crown Mexico division’s can body production plants at Crown Ensenada (Ensenada BC), Crown Guadalajara (Guadalajara, Jal.), Crown Toluca (Toluca, Edo.) and Crown Latas Monterrey (Juarez, NL); as well as for the production of aluminum can ends and anti-theft roll-on closures at Crown Cierres Monterrey (Monterrey, NL); and Head Office at Crown Cierres Monterrey (Monterrey, NL) in Mexico.


Eduardo Argueta, President of Crown Mexico notes that “with an estimated market size of 15 billion beverage cans in 2020 and an expected annual growth of up to 6%, Mexico is one of the critical countries for Crown’s extensive global presence” to which he adds that “it is our duty to help support this growth in a sustainable manner and contribute to the collective progress of our organization. We are proud to demonstrate our commitment by achieving ASI certification as part of our global efforts to meet the objectives of our ambitious Twentyby30 sustainability program.

Fiona Solomon, ASI’s Executive Director, adds: “Crown already undertakes sustainability-related activities across the environmental, social and governance spectrum, including emissions reduction, renewable energy sourcing, water use, materials stewardship, circularity, employee engagement and ethical sourcing, among others. The commitment to address the ESG footprint of the company’s operations in Mexico is highlighted by the creation of a new Biodiversity Protection Plan and a Human Rights Due Diligence process on the way to achieving its ASI Certification.”