30 million is the investment that CCEP France will inject for the start-up of its new canning line and a syrup plant in Dunkerque. The new line will generate at least 10 additional jobs, in addition to the 400 jobs already existing at the French plant.

This new investment is in addition to those already made in the past. Since 2018, CCEP France has invested more than €100 million in the Dunkirk site. The Dunkirk plant plays a key role: its 400 employees bottle 10 different brands produced and marketed by CCEP in France. The site is also the group’s newest and largest in France, with lines that allow the production of all types of formats: glass bottles, plastic bottles and cans, which translates into more than 600 million liters of beverages annually.

François Gay-Bellile, CEO of CCEP France emphasizes that “we are very proud to continue to invest in the territories, to strengthen the local production of our beverages. This diversification strategy allows us to contribute to the revitalization of the local basin with the creation of additional jobs and a unique experience”.

The multinational Coca-Cola counts on 5 other French factories to deploy the strategy of diversifying its product portfolio, making it possible to offer beverages for all consumption occasions. CCEP has been present in France for more than 100 years, produces 90% of the beverages in its portfolio marketed in the territory and has invested €350 million between 2009 and 2019 to strengthen its industrial capacity in the country.

The Dunkirk plant is committed to a process of socially and environmentally responsible growth. The plant promotes inclusion through work through the system co-created by CCEP France ‘Passport to Employment’ from which 400 young people from Hauts-de-France benefit each year. Finally, 100% of the waste from the Dunkirk plant is recycled or recovered for energy.