At Firenze Rocks Corepla, Cial and Ricrea promote circular economy and environmental friendliness

Everything is ready for Firenze Rocks: from June 16 to 19 Florence will be the Italian capital of the best of world rock and will make you feel how even recycling sounds good.

From Editorial Board-June 16, 2022

To the cry of “Recycling is rock”, in fact, the three Consortiums Corepla , Cial and Ricrea, thanks to an agreement with Live Nation, will be protagonists of the Firenze Rocks music festival in a dedicated space assembled with recycled plastic and steel . benches, recycled aluminum bicycles, giant cans, gadgets and many other objects and artifacts obtained from the recycling of properly collected and differentiated packaging. A functional and fun space where the Festival’s audience will be able to relax, play and, at the same time, test their readiness on the differentiatedArmy reserve collection. In addition, adjacent to the Consortium’s space, a rainbow made entirely of used cans will be installed, an excellent opportunity for a souvenir photo. This project, called Every Can Counts, involves 20 countries in Europe and Latin America in recycling beverage cans on the go.


All together with a single, noble goal: to raise awareness of the collection and end-of-life issues of plastic, aluminum and steel packaging. Precisely for this reason, the green volunteers, who will wear recycled plastic T-shirts during Firenze Rocks, will become ambassadors of the environment and, together with the environmental services company Alia, will collect pet bottles and cups, beverage cans and cans that will be sent for recycling by the company Revet.


Getting the selective collection right, in fact, is the first step in improving the recycling performance of packaging and helping to give it a second life. Thanks to the power of music, it will be possible to engage fans and remind them that the well-being of our planet also depends on us: small but precious daily precautions are enough to make a difference and achieve important results.


The initiative is part of the numerous experiences that the Consortia have been developing for several years to promote selective waste collection on the occasion of major events such as marathons and foot races, concerts, major sporting events and events on beaches and in city parks.