Can Manufacturers Institute (CMI) Director Robert Budway recently announced that Scott Breen will be promoted to senior vice president effective January 2, 2024. Breen is known to be a leader in sustainability and communication issues, and is currently leading efforts in these areas for the association. In his new role, Breen will be responsible for directing policies and actions related to sustainability, infrastructure and communication within the industry as senior vice president.
Since joining CMI in July 2019, Breen has driven a new vision for the association that seeks to position the metal can as the most sustainable packaging. Known for his ability to lead and unite different groups in the sustainability space, Breen has been in charge of several initiatives aimed at improving the environmental performance of the metal can industry. While already recognized as the world’s most recycled package with one of the highest percentages of recycled content, the industry is relying on Breen to further raise its key performance indicators in the U.S. market.
“It’s an honor to lead the sustainability program within the metal can industry and tell the story of the most sustainable packaging,”
Breen said of her promotion, adding that “this position allows me to drive the sustainability profile of the industry by facilitating initiatives and actions that drive continued advancements in the sustainability profile of metal packaging.”