The French company has entered into exclusive negotiations with the two institutional investors for the sale of its Bonduelle Americas Long Life (BALL) business for €625 million.
The BALL frozen food and refrigeration company grows canned vegetables mainly for the food retail sector, foodservice and private labels. In fiscal year 2020-2021, the company had a turnover of EUR 690 million.
Along these lines, Guillaume Debrosse explains that the transaction with the Fonds de solidarité FTQ and CDPQ would enable BALL to move forward in a North American market in constant consolidation and to finance its growth and profitability investments without any new capital allocation by Bonduelle.
The head office will remain in Canada, although they are also planning to continue with their expansion plan in North America and Mexico. The Mexican group Bonduelle has recently entered the American and Canadian market to acquire a Canadian group, Carrière.