ANFACO-CECOPESCA held its governing council meeting and took the opportunity to take stock of the past 2024. According to its data, the group has participated in 70 R&D&I projects, which mobilized 107 million euros and in which partners from up to 21 different countries have participated.

In addition, the sector carried out more than 138,000 analyses to guarantee food quality and safety and developed 170 actions focused on innovation ecosystems, technological platforms and administration, contributing ideas and plans to Galician and Spanish food strategies.


The entity developed more than 170 collaborative actions in 2024 with the innovation ecosystem, clusters, technology platforms and the administration, highlighting its contributions to the National R&D&I Plan, the Galician Blue Economy Strategy and the National Food Strategy.

ANFACO -CECOPESCA will have 10% more investment in research, to which more than eight million euros will be dedicated. The 2025 scientific-technological route will focus on biotechnology and health, circular economy, aquaculture and digitalization.

ANFACO will continue to support its partners with services such as OceanGuard, which will enable companies to anticipate the risks of new global supply chains. The goal is to maintain the competitiveness of the sector with the idea of reaching more than 500 companies by 2025, which will collaborate under the principle of open innovation.