Abralatas, the Brazilian Association of Aluminum Can Manufacturers has just launched in São Paulo, the program Every Can Counts. This is an unprecedented initiative in Rio de Janeiro that encourages consumers to recycle. This is a similar version of Every Can Counts, Europe’s leading beverage can recycling promotion.

On December 4 and 5, visitors could see metal structures and panels such as the one by graffiti artist Ricardo Kaur, who made an artistic intervention with more than 30 thousand cans. In addition, promoters circulated among the public to explain the benefits and importance of recycling.

“The initiative values individual actions, especially with the new generation of consumers. Brazil already has one of the highest recycling rates in the world: always above 95%, with the commitment to maintain this level. We want to show a real example of circular economy in a cheerful, light and fun way”, explains Cátilo Cândido, CEO of Abralatas, who adds that this event will be the first of many more to come to the country.

After its launch in São Paulo, Cada Lata Conta has signed a partnership with the cooperative Coocamar and the organizers of Carnatal, in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte in order to further promote the collection of cans and inform about the importance of the circular economy for a sustainable future.