In 2021 more responsible tuna cans.
In 2021, 40% more cans of tuna with the Re-Fisheries Tuna seal
sponsable (APR) AENOR will be available in Spanish supermarkets, with respect to the 2020 offer.
The Galician group Atunlo marketed in Europe 2,500 tons of raw and frozen tuna products certified APR and 25,000 tons of precooked tuna loins with the same seal in 2021.
For their part, the canning companies Bolton Food and Salica, with their brands Isabel and Campos, respectively, plan to place 43.5 million cans with this seal on the market. In 2018, Spanish consumers were the first to have cans of tuna with the APR label that certifies the responsible and sustainable origin of the product.
For its part, the UNE APR Responsible Fishing Tuna standard, certified with AENOR, was the first in the fishing sector worldwide to guarantee compliance with the working conditions required by the International Labour Organisation in its Convention 188 of 2007, on board vessels.
It is important to remember that the APR AENOR seal is the result of an initiative of the Spanish tuna fleet – grouped in the Organization of Associated Producers of Large Tuna Freezers (OPA – GAC) – “to ensure the traceability of tuna caught from the activity at sea to canning in canning plants,” as explained in an article in Retail Actual.