the deposit return system in ireland has collected more than 5.6 million beverage containers.

Since its launch on February 1, the Irish Deposit Return Scheme has collected more than 5.6 million beverage containers. In just the first ten days of March alone, more than 3.6 million beverage containers were returned.

During the month of February, Ireland managed to return 2 million beverage containers. However, during the first 10 days of March, 3.6 million had already been collected and during the weekend almost 1 million more were collected. This shows a significant increase in container returns in a short period of time.

This amount of money raised demonstrates that the Plan is having great success and receiving solid support from the community in its efforts to promote sustainable recycling. With over 1.9 million transactions recorded and over 2,300 reverse vending machines available throughout the territory, the scheme is making progress towards the recycling targets set by Ireland.

According to Ciaran Foley, executive director of Re-turn, they have noticed a great deal of support from consumers in recent weeks for plastic bottle and can returns. They have gone from collecting thousands to hundreds of thousands a day, demonstrating the support for this initiative and its positive impact on the environment in Ireland. Efforts to promote recycling are yielding results and are being well received by the community.

The Scheme, seen as one of the key strategies for Ireland to meet and exceed the recycling targets set by the European Union, has seen a marked increase in participation. This has set a positive direction for future collection campaigns and their impact on the environment.